Please note that, this is not required at all since you will get decent amount of traffic to your server with or without promoting it.
However, as our server list is ranking very high for multiple keywords on all major search engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo and so on it could be beneficial to reserve your spot on the top of our homepage. Sometimes, growing the player base as fast as possible is mandatory.
There are 9 ad slots on the main page, their placements are being rotated randomly with each refresh.
We use rotation as it is the most fair way to display the featured servers.
How to promote your server?
After your server submission is approved :
– Option 1: Advertise button will become visible ( top menu ). Select length of promotion and click next.
– Option 2: Go to My Account > Listings and then click the Star icon as displayed below.


[Profile] and [Server] badges are permanent.
They can be found at the Candy shop a.k.a Advertise section. ( Shows up after submitting a server. )
Badges are useful only if you plan to stick around. Perfect for hardcore server administrators / owners.
It’s pointless to own a badge if you are just casually releasing a server for a month or two.
May the gods be with you!