Hello vikings!
We could have also written a “very professional” article with all the official and blah blah stuff, but NO. We will keep it real.
Let us just do a tiny intro before moving on to the actual hosting details. Now if you look around the web you will see that every single article that gives a suggestion where and why you should have your server hosted, involves a comparison between at least 2 providers.
Sometimes webmasters go fully nuts and greedy by making charts about 100 providers and their characteristics. In the end – be careful here, they are re-selling ALL of the compared hosting plans (companies).
Now, with that being said, do you think they really care where you gonna host your Valheim server? (Just buy any host from the list, it’s all good.)
– They just want the commission. (So do we – doh!). However here, you will find only one Valheim hosting company listed and it is one for a reason.
We’ve been using it, we know how it works, we know how low their pings are, we know how fast and stable their servers are.
All of that comes from personal experience. So if you really need the BEST Valheim hosting, we strongly recommend Humble Servers!
Still, if you want some more technical and financial details, which also kills the competition on another level :
– $6.99 / mo
– 10 slots.
– DDoS Protected
– 1Gbps Uplink
– NVME Storage – Fastest possible.
– Free Databases
– Instant Deployement
You can get a package with 6GB of RAM for $9.99! – 6GB!
All of that guarantees that you and your friends will actually have a stable and reliable Valheim hosting!
$0.699 / mo if you share expenses :), hilarious!
Writing an article like this is highly motivated once again by personal experience. Imagine how many hosting companies we had to change for our own projects in the past, until we got enlightened about Humble Servers? – Most of them! Don’t go the hard way, just use the wheel.
The last thing I’d like to mention here is that highest paying ‘service providers’ (in terms of google ads etc), no matter what the niche is are not always your best option and you know that, but this time from your own experience.
Extra note about their support – Overwhelmingly positive, polite and professional.
We are honestly so impressed by Humble Servers that after reading the article you might have thought that WE ARE Humble Servers.
Well, unfortunately not.
Everyone wants to be them, but not everyone is capable to be so good at what they do.
If you decide to give them a chance use our affiliate link, so we can retire on Hawaii.

Just in case you want to run a server but you are not the tech guy
so you feel kind of insecure?
This is an in-depth tutorial about how to setup and run the server after purchasing it.


Well, enjoy playing 🙂
Thank you for the total of 193 Orders!