Sveit RP Server

Sveit RP Server

Today my RP-Server is launching at 1800 (CET), with a lot of settings and mods I am working on a nice experience. The server is setup to be hard and interesting at the same time. Here are some infos to the server and its settings. Server base is EU (Germany)

-20 Slots for enough people to meet in the first few days
-Loot drop from the Monster of Valheim
-Stonger Enemies that will beat the stuffing out of you
-Quests, for a reason to get things or kill monsters
-Safety towards cheating stuff into your charactar, they are serversided
-Improvement on casual things like walking, buildings in the rain do not decay and much more
-Events, next to monsters attacking ones, fights, marathons or others
-Planned first Bossfight
-Market once a week to sell you stuff or buy stuff
– Magic
– Classes
– Positional Audio for realistic chatter

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