Valhalla Risen

_______________________US-WEST SMOOTHBRAIN’S SERVER CENTER__________________________
Public Servers:
Fresh 200 Player US PvE Dedicated Modded Valheim Server – Up 24/7
Fresh 64 Player US PvE Dedicated Vanilla Valheim Server – Up 24/7
Private Servers:
Fresh 200 Player US PvE Dedicated Modded Valheim Server – Up 24/7
Fresh 64 Player US PvE Dedicated Vanilla Valheim Server – Up 24/7
Hello everyone, Smooth Brain Networks is looking for more friendly players for group co-op! We are currently hosting 4 fresh servers of Valheim online for all to enjoy! We have both vanilla and modded servers depending on your style of gameplay.
Our modded servers have:
-All characters are saved server side
-Many quality-of-life updates
-and much more!
We have a discord with explanations on how to join the server (Comes with pictures!).
If you’ve been looking for a place to make your home, look no further! DM for more info.