Showing 49-58 of 179 results

Harju Gaming - Valheim 24/7

Harju Gaming Network is a dedicated hosting service. Our Valheim server is 24/7, open to everyone. Please join and play…

Max Players: 10
Type: Vanilla
Focus: Roleplay


24/7 SAE Singapore Server. Open to all Valheim players specially Pinoy. You will get the password once accepted on the…

Whitelist: Yes
Max Players: 20
Type: Modded
Focus: Roleplay

7DaysDedicated - ValheimPVP

ValheimPVP There is a new live server 7DaysDedicated - ValheimPVP. r2modman Import Code: 018fe4eb-151e-b40a-a7aa-a5fc4b8c8c73 Server Rules Server Rules are as…

Whitelist: Yes
Max Players: 64
Type: Modded
Focus: PvP

[UNiT] Cthulhu

UNiT is a community driven & vanilla friendly Valheim server. We have massive PvE and PvP events, and have had…

Max Players: 10
Type: Vanilla
Focus: PvE

Allegiant Games

Allegiant games offer modded and non modded on dedicated servers. The modded sever has NPC's with quests to increase skill…

Whitelist: Yes
Max Players: 150
Type: Modded
Focus: PvE


Uniquely curated modded Valheim experience that enhances world building, cooperative play, and community. Spread out between two seeds, Rustheim has…

Max Players: 40
Type: Modded
Focus: PvE

7DaysDedicated - Vanilla PVE

Server Rules are as follows: 1. Griefing will not be tolerated. This is a PvP server, but harassing players or…

Whitelist: Yes
Max Players: 64
Type: Vanilla
Focus: PvE

ZT Gaming Odin's Server

Join Zero Tolerance Gaming's Valheim server. Help us establish and grow our community within Valheim. We are actively looking for…

Max Players: 64
Type: Modded
Focus: PvE

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